Relatable! The grind of raising kids is so tough, but it sounds like you're making some wise steps to prioritize yourself.

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Aww, thanks! Yes, I feel busy but intellectually bored (not with work, but household management and my “to do” list which seems overwhelming). Also, the isolation piece. Do you work from home alone?

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I do work from home, but I mostly love it. I am not a big people person - I find going to the Y and writing meetups gives me enough human time. 🤣 And shuttling kiddo to event/games. (I also had a medical issue for years that made it much easier to be at home.)

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And, I’m sorry about your medical issue. I’m glad you have found a workaround and do better at home.

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That’s great! What do you do at writing meet ups? I went to a Substack meet up in SF and it was really nice.

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I have a writing accountability partner and we get together for a couple of hours most weekends, and then I volunteer or attend at a few literary things around town, when I can.

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That’s great!!

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It does sound like you've identified the problem and are starting to brainstorm ideas. That's a BIG first step. I do believe attitude (in this case) can help or hinder the problem, something you've already alluded to. And I say this because in my own life, I made the mental shift from thinking (why can I do this or that?) to accepting here and now and making the best of it.

This has made a significant difference in my life. I'm working on being more 'present' or mindful. Enjoying mundane tasks like gardening, cooking, and stepping away from the computer. When I'm having coffee, I write 10 things I'm grateful for -- it's a stretch sometimes, the list gets redundant, too, but I'm convinced a gratitude practice helps me to be more grounded and content.

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Love this, thank you so much for taking the time to write! I love the idea of a gratitude practice- thank you. And yes, gardening helps me be present. I’ve been reading What My Bones Know and she’s been going through a lot of practices to improve mental health - gratitude and mindfulness were high on the list!

I agree that attitude is huge. So glad that you’ve found acceptance and peace with where you’re at!

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