That sounds like a very rich life Alice! I work full-time and am trying to build a business on the side, so not much free time, but I love woodland walks at the weekends and evening gym classes in between my mindfulness teacher training nights. Hoping that when I eventually transition to solopreneurship I have more flexibility for daytime activities. I'll need to emulate your efficient business set up to make the most of my time. 😁

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Your schedule sounds quite full, with a full time job and side business building... best wishes with all of that! There's a great book I read recently - 10x is easier than 2x - and it talks about focusing on the most important 20% . I realize I was 10x-ing while building my business - I had no time b/c I had young kids, so that forced me to focus on the most important 20%. If you're building your side business part time, you could always keep it to a part time restriction... ;)

Your side business, mindfulness and wellness practices sound amazing. Keep it up - as my therapist says, "More stress, get more rest"! you wellness work is so needed in our modern world!

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Thanks for the encouragement Alice! I’ll check out that book and try your tips. 😁

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sure thing! only take what is useful… the book had some ideas that didn’t resonate- i don’t want to start a big company at this stage in life - i want to just do my small, solopreneurial adventure!

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Good to know! I’m in the same space, I want the freedom of just having me in my business, nothing big.

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I love this, Alice. It sounds like you're taking your life by the handlebars, so to speak, and creating a meaningful life. Like you, I'm trying to carve out those moments. Funnily, I've never been a nap person, but now that I'm in my fifties, I force myself to lie down and rest, even if it's for 10 minutes! It's important! 😊

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yes, naps! micronaps really help me. I feel so fortunate to have time freedom to be able to design a rich life. very very blessed! and glad you have the good fortune to create a rich life too - what have you found helpful?

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The most helpful has been crafting a morning routine. It’s changed over the years, naturally, but it’s my non-negotiable.

<Make coffee, shower, yoga, meditation, gratitude journal, writing.> 🩷 I’ll wake up early to do it, if I must, or maybe take out the writing there are extenuating circumstances. But then I’ll do the writing later in the day…

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ooh nice, i do not have a good morning routine. i wake up at 6 but then lie in bed too long after that... should prob just get out of bed when i wake up! i love your morning routine! i need to get back to my daily journaling as much as possible...

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Good life! Wonderful. True that we each must decide for ourselves what constitutes the rich life!

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yes! and the best things in life cannot be bought... it is helpful to have $, that is for sure, but regular, little treats can have big payoffs!

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Agreed. That is one of the surprise discoveries as you age. It’s not about the accomplishments, the house, car, etc.

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I loved getting a glimpse of your life, Alice. I also do coaching part-time these days and find that fulfilling. I walk my dog up and down the hills around our house, though I use my power chair. I take my mom to some medical appointments. My husband works from home also. The joys in my life these days are ordinary things. We enjoy our church, and I also love to pray with friends. I nap when I need to, and I love going out to my backyard cabin to write or meet with clients. We took a family trip to Alaska this summer, and a beach trip.

I love to swim and I am trying to build that back into my routine. Today I will have lunch with a friend and visit my stepmom. I meet with a client this evening. I find joy in photography, art, reading and writing. I am taking a coaching certification course called Relational Spirituality by Dr Todd Hall. It’s fantastic.

Living with multiple sclerosis creates a number of challenges. But I find joy and fulfillment in serving God and encouraging and strengthening others.

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